Latest SEO Techniques According To Top SEO Experts.

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SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”

Search Engine Optimization is the process of setting your website up in a way that makes it easy to find on Google. You are basically trying to put your “best foot forward” so Google knows what your website is about, and it knows that your website is a high quality resource in your industry.

Understanding SEO is crucial to significantly increase your traffic and brand awareness.

Thousands of people are looking for content just like yours. By becoming an SEO expert, you can help them find it. In fact, 40% of website traffic begins with a search query.

Staying on top of SEO takes a lot of research and experimentation. Google’s algorithms are constantly changed, so it’s always important to stay tuned into the latest news. With a bit of practice, you can become your own SEO expert

Google is the number one search engine in the world. 78% of people use Google to research products and services before buying. This means that when you rank on the first page of Google’s search results, you get more visibility and traffic, which in turn brings more conversions and revenue.

Getting to page one of the search results is vital. 75% of users don’t even click past the first page!

Here are some latest SEO techniques that you can implement right away to increase your search traffic. Getting more visitors should help you convert more people into customers too.

  • Complete an SEO Audit on your website

Auditing your website helps you figure out why you’re not getting enough search traffic and sales. Many SEO companies offer this service, but you can save a lot of money by doing it yourself.

An audit is a process of examination and evaluation of an event, concept, or financial books. An audit is done to figure out where you stand and how to make smarter decisions in the future.

An SEO audit is a thorough examination of your site’s SEO performance, which includes creating goals based on the findings and implementing tactics to reach those goals. An audit helps increase profits by making the best use of existing content and fixing any SEO issues.

Here’s what you should be looking for during an audit:

  1. All pages should have Meta Titles and Description

2. Website content optimized for keywords

3. URL structure should Search Engine Friendly

4. Images have ALT tags

5. Internal Linking

  • Learn about your target audience

Google isn’t an advertising company. They’re a big data company.

You should focus on knowing what your target customers want. This will help you to determine how to develop content that draws them in.

When you listen to feedback from your target customer, it guides the content you create to attract more of them.

There are several ways to find out:

  1. Use platforms such as Quora, Reddit

2. See your most successful pages on Google Analytics

3. Analyze which content gets most shared

4. Listen to comments on your blogs

  •  Develop SEO optimized landing pages

A well-designed landing page can improve your lead generation and sales. To increase traffic to your landing page, create several pages that appeal to various customer segments.

According to the SEO research firm, MarketingSherpa, 44% of clicks for B2B companies go to a homepage. Sure, it is important to have a homepage that is informative and easy on the eyes, but what about those who actually want more information? Don’t they deserve a landing page? A landing page can offer them the information they need and initiate a conversion

The key elements of a good landing page:

  1. Useful and informative content

2. A call-to-action button

3. Internally Linked with other pages for optimum navigation

  • Mobile Friendly Websites

With more and more people browsing the web on their mobile devices, it’s important to make sure your website not only looks good on a small screen but also functions well. In fact, I’d say it needs to be more than “mobile friendly” — it needs to work really well on mobile.

Since Google went mobile first in the latest update, they significantly boost organic search rankings for websites that work well on mobile devices.

Over 60% of daily searches are now performed on a mobile device.

When it comes to e-commerce, the numbers are even more surprising. Business Insider predicts that by 2022, 45% of all e-commerce (also called m-commerce) sales in the United States will be completed on a mobile device. That represents $284 billion in the US alone!

All these statistics are pointing to one thing: You simply cannot afford to not have a mobile-friendly website anymore.

If you want to be extra sure your website checks all the boxes for being mobile-friendly, use Google’s free Mobile Testing Tool.

  • Enter in your website URL and click Run Test.

If your site comes back is not mobile-friendly, it’s time to redesign!

You most likely can make a few small changes to your current website design to improve its usability on mobile. However, it may be faster and cheaper in the long run to get a new website. You will have an opportunity to freshen up your brand at the same time.

  • Spice up the content by Infographics

Infographics are popular because they make complex information easy to understand. Visual learners make up 65% of the population, so an infographic will go further than just text.

Unfortunately, most people don’t pay attention to the “info” part. Instead, they focus on the graphics. Good design is important, but you need to have quality facts to back it up.

Studies show that infographics are 30 times more likely to be read than regular text articles. Websites that publish infographics grow traffic 12% faster than those who don’t.

Here is how you get the best out of infographics:

  1. Get your stats

2. Create the infographic

3. Write a blog based on your infographic

4. Submit infographics to directories

  • Create a brand on Social Media Platforms
    It takes time to build Domain Authority and Page Authority, which are two factors that Google uses to determine your ranking. If your website is new, then it will probably have a low Domain Authority and Page Authority.

However, you can use social media platforms to gain credibility and traffic.

Page Authority is a score that was developed by Moz to measure how likely it is for your page to rank well in search. A higher number means it’s more likely to rank highly.

Domain Authority is a ranking metric that indicates the likelihood of a website to rank on top in search results. It is calculated based on a few factors, including the number of links and the quality of those links pointing to a website.

But not all social media platforms are created equal when it comes to building authority and traffic.

I’m not talking about Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest where anyone can post whatever they want. I’m talking about platforms like LinkedIn and Quora where quality content is expected.


Conclusion: SEO is simply not a one-size-fits-all type of marketing solution. The best way to approach SEO is to consider it as an ongoing, dynamic process. While there may be trends and changes in how search engines evaluate content as the years go by, the truth is that some things never change.

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