Is SEO really Dead in 2021?

Digital Marketing Agency | AI Advertisment

SEO stands for “search engine optimization,” and it’s an important part of online marketing. SEO is about making sure your site can be found by people using search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Many companies pay an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) company to make sure their website shows up on the first page of a search engine results page (SERP). SEO is about making sure that when people search for something, you show up in their results.

SEO has been changing drastically over the years.

Google has made 516 changes to its algorithm in 2010, 1,653 in 2016 and 3,234 in 2018. And approximately 4500 changes in 2020, but we can assume that the number will continue to rise at an exponential rate.

Google has changed over 9 times a day for the past several years. It is no longer easy to manipulate it or game it.

So Is SEO Really Dead?

Do you know how many searches take place on Google each day?

Roughly 5.6 billion searches per day.

That’s roughly 2 trillion searches each year.

Although that’s a lot of searches, there is also a lot of content being created.

There are roughly a billion blogs on the web.

There are a lot of blogs out there that have a lot of information on a variety of topics.

For example, if you look at the long-tail phrase, “what is digital marketing”, a simple google search results in over 2,49,00,00,000 results

In other words, the supply is much greater than the demand.

Even though you can still find search phrases where there is more search volume than content, the trend is constantly increasing in which content production is exceeding search demand.

In addition to that, Google is turning into an answer engine in which they are answering people’s questions without them having to go to a website.

Google’s algorithm is constantly changing, so the SEO category is always evolving. Currently, for a site to be successful on Google, it must have a proper balance of backlinks and content to increase its visibility in search results

So, does that mean SEO is Dead?

It is actually not the opposite


With all the data, how can that be the case?

First off, all marketing channels become standardized over time. It’s just a question of when.

You can say the same thing about Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even email marketing.

And, as I mentioned above, it’s with all channels.

Just look at Instagram engagement rates:

The amount of engagement on Instagram is decreasing, no matter if it’s a sponsored post or an organic post.

But even with those decreasing numbers, you are seeing sponsored posts on Instagram surging by 150%.

In other words, people are still spending money on digital advertising because they get an ROI or generate enough value in their eyes.

So, how is SEO still not dead?

Just because the metrics aren’t going in your favor doesn’t mean that a channel is dead.

When you look at search as a whole (and I am not only talking about on Bing and Google, but also other sites and platforms), Google still dominates market share with a whopping 92.6 percent.

People still use Google as their search engine of choice, but how they’re using it has changed over time. It used to be that you would use platforms like Instagram for discovery and Google for commerce (purchasing). However, the trend has switched in which Instagram is being heavily used for commerce and Google is mainly used as a discovery engine.

SEO isn’t dying, it is evolving

Now that you know that Google is shifting to a discovery engine (for both paid and organic listings), there are a few other things you need to know if you want to dominate the organic listings.

  • Google focuses on behavior of user

Google’s algorithm is evolving, it doesn’t focus on backlinks or keyword density anymore, but instead focuses on the user experience.

If a site has millions of backlinks but users don’t like it, then that site won’t rank well in the long run.

You, the end-user, control how Google adjusts rankings.

  • Google gathers data from everywhere

Google knows you spend hours a day on your mobile device and on other sites and applications that aren’t controlled or owned by Google. So, when they are figuring out what to rank and where to rank it, they aren’t just looking at their own datasets.

They crawl things like social media and use social signals to help them better improve their results.

Even if you hate the social web, you need to use it. Not only can it help with your site’s ranking in search engines but it can also help build a brand, which will indirectly boost your rankings as well.

Here are some articles to follow to help boost your social media presence:

  • Google is focusing on Personalization

Have you noticed that when you search on Google the results you see are different than the results of your friends?

It’s because Google is trying to personalize the results to you.

Not just on Google search but anywhere you use a Google device… from a smartphone to Google Home to even their autonomous cars.

With all of the data they are gathering, they are better suited to understand your preferences and then modify the results to that.

Google Discovery is one such example, Google discovery revolves around the principle of personalization. Google Discovery emphases on your personal results and provide you articles and content tailored to your own interests

  • AI SEO is the future

In the 21st century, artificial intelligence (AI) became a core component of major search engine algorithms. Google’s Rankbrain and BERT represent two examples. In this way, learning about AI can help you improve your SEO.

AI is an excellent tool for data analysis. This is important because it helps SEOs analyze their websites, which ultimately leads to higher rankings.

AIs are computer programs that can learn and adapt to new situations. This means they can handle tasks like analyzing data and giving recommendations based on the results.

Future of SEO is all about AI SEO Services, tailoring your SEO strategy to incorporate AI to better understand the search engine, the customer, the niche and the competitors. Moving with the time will require all the companies to evolve and move to AI.


SEO is not dead, it’s just changing.

Sure, click-through rates are going down and Google keeps adjusting its algorithm but that’s to be expected.

Google has made it easier for you to target your ideal customer through SEO or paid ads. It used to be more difficult before they came along, which is why they are able to make over 100 billion dollars a year in advertising revenue.

A lot of people have been saying that SEO is dead. While it is true that the market has changed, SEO is not dead. It’s just evolving to follow the changes in the industry.

Future of SEO is here. We at AI Advertisment incorporate to provide the best AI SEO Services for you to top your market niche and rank at the very top.

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